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Vice Mayor Mike McCabe Delivers Final Statement at Naples, FL City Council 12.18.2023
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Vice Mayor Mike McCabe Delivers Final Statement to Naples City Council on 12.18.2023 (this is a transcript of his statement)
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: And thank you. You know, with this being the last meeting of the year, I wanted to, I guess, vent a little frustration, and bring some things to light. And so, I've written some things down.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: The free state of Florida. The Florida State Administration. The Florida State Legislature declared this free State of Florida during the pandemic when they felt the federal government's overreach and assault on States' rights was unacceptable. The Free State of Florida, they called it. They did it as it was a reaction to a government overreach and a taking of our rights.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Home Rule. What is Home Rule? Home rule is a form of government where you, the local members, the residents, elect members of your community to determine what your laws are. What your codes are. What your community looks like. It is based upon the theory that the residents in a community know what's best to solve local issues. Home Rule is all about you. It is the purest form of government that dates back to the Roman Times. And when elected officials go to Tallahassee and decide to create laws that prevent local government from making local decisions, that preempts or takes away Home Rule. And we have a problem. We have a big problem. Why did I need to describe this? Why did I want to start off with Free State of Florida, and tying in Home Rule is because they are intricately connected.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: The State of Florida administration and legislatures strongly stated and proclaimed that the federal government's assault on States rights was so egregious that they would not accept it. They filed suit against the federal government. They declared we, the state of Florida, would not stand for this government overreach. Yet this same state administration, the same state legislature in the past legislative session, in prior legislative sessions, and in the most recent special legislative session, the Florida Legislature has done exactly what they found abhorrent by the federal government. The state legislature has preempted and assaulted Home Rule with a serious overreach. They have done so with many actions, and I will mention several. For short term rental prohibitions. They have passed prohibitions and restrictions on local municipalities from regulating short-term rentals within their communities. These short-term rental actions have added to, or even created the housing shortage and lack of affordable housing. Instead of homeowners buying homes to live in, investors are buying up the inventory to rent like hotels. They pull housing out of the supply for families, they create shortages, and they drive up prices, that frees the underserved from realizing the American dream. The legislature feels that short-term rentals should not be regulated at a local level. Or I better stated the R&B lobbyists feel that Short Tum Rentals should not be legislated on a local level, and the state legislature has followed their lead.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Another one. Senate Bill 170. The mother of all local preemptions. This law says that local governments must halt enforcement of an ordinance if a single lawsuit challenges the law or the ordinance.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Another one. Senate Bill 102. Affordable housing. The live local act. The Florida legislature has said they're setting aside $800 million for affordable housing. They set that aside in the Sadowski fund and has been there for years and years and years, but now they're saying they really mean it. But that law, that law goes further in what it does, it preempts local governments in our ordinances and limits on height and density, and it suspends any requirement for zoning changes or Comprehensive plan amendments. It suspends our laws in the way we want our community to be.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: The next Senate bill, 540. That sounds the death knell for the planning-related challenges, that allows for prevailing parties to recover attorney's fees and challenges to the comp plan and plan amendments, even local residents. This deals a devastating blow to effective citizen engagement. It turns local residents into bystanders during planning debates.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Senate Bill 1604. This law requires local governments to accept the decisions of a special magistrate during a FLUEDRA (Florida Land Use & Environmental Dispute Resolution Act), process. A FLUEDRA process is basically when a developer decides they don't like the result out of a city council meeting, and they file suit and they go to a special magistrate. This creates a path to circumvent and overturn your local government, your city council decisions.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Senate Bill 1346 overrides local government limits on demolishing structures in flood zones.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: And Senate Bill 250. The mother of all attacks on Home Rule takes away local government ability to make decisions within its jurisdiction. It was done without overt knowledge or in the sunshine. It was buried in an emergency relief act. It wasn't even a forthright attack on Home Rule. It was a subverted one. It was buried then in the special session in the dark of night, without any input or vetting. This legislature extended Senate Bill 250 until almost the end of 2026. There was no sunshine on these actions. Or even a thought or even a mention that they were going to be looked at to get any input from local governments.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: There was not even an attempt by the state legislature to justify it, explain why the legislature even felt that it was necessary. Why should you care? What does this assault on Home Rule mean to you as residents? It means legislators who were elected from counties like Escambia, Taylor, Baker, Okeechobee, Orlando, and even from Tallahassee. And here's the question. You as residents, can you even pick those areas out on a map? And here's the even more important question can they even pick out Naples on a map? But they are the ones that are going to be making decisions, for you, in your community. Do you think that's appropriate? I think not.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: I believe the state's reaction to the federal government overreach was appropriate, and a corresponding reaction from this local government and from all the local governments around the state to these state tactics, should be the same as what the federal government warranted from the state legislature. So should the municipalities of this state take the overreach from the state? Hell no.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: This brings to mind the movie the 1976 Movie Network. In it, the news anchor declares, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm there. You, the residents of this city, the voters of this city, and the city of Naples should be as well. The person in the movie exclaims that each person listening should go to the window, fling it open, and scream, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. You as residents of this great city, should be afraid. You should be very afraid of this government overreach, this state legislature overreach. You should proclaim that you're mad as hell and you're not going to take it anymore. You should do this in a letter to your state office holders that represent you to the governor. To the state Attorney General. And I pray that they listen to you. But I fear they will not.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: They have bowed to the moneyed. To the powerful, to the lobbyist, to the special interest. There seems to be a For Sale sign hanging out on our state. Who has the best the most funded lobbyist, wins. Demand to take your government back. I say this because, as I said, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I have mentioned the assault this legislature has had. I have not mentioned the assault that this legislature has made on local representation.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Senate Bill 774 and the new Form Six financial disclosure by elected officials. This is new as of January 1st for local officials and dramatically changes the game. It changes, the changes that it makes is not what I signed up for. I want each of you hearing this to do something right now. I want you to make a list of your assets and your liabilities. And I want you to come up with what your Net worth is, and then I want you to go out and post that, on a public forum. For any and all to see. After you've done that. Next, I want you to make a list of all of your assets that are worth $1,000 and post that on a public forum. For all to see. Yes, everything that you own that valued at $1,000 or greater. That's sofa. The dining room set. The pearls. I want you to put a list of all your finances, your bank accounts, your 401K balances, your investments by name.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: Any mutual funds and the major investments that are in those mutual funds. And if you own a business, I want you to list all your major clients. And now I want you to put that out in the public forum, for any and all to view. Once you've done that, then I want you to make a list of all your liabilities, anything that you owe greater than $1,000. Any mortgage, car loan. Home equity loan, loaned from a friend, loaned from a relative. Student loan. Child support. Alimony, Any indebtedness. Indebtedness greater than $1,000. Now go post that out on a public forum, for any and all to see. And heck, while you're at it, why don't you post last year's tax return? Out in a public forum for any and all to see.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: That is Senate Bill 774 and Form 6 for local election officials starting January 1st, 2024. That is the new financial disclosure for the elected officials. And if you don't file it. There is a penalty and a fine of $25 per day. And a civil penalties up to $20,000, and removal from office. Also, there's the possibility of perjury charges. Because you're signing the form and attesting to its truthfulness and its completeness, and should be there... Should there be an admission or a disagreement to what is listed? You're in trouble. We have seen just recently how this form and how this has been weaponized against public officials.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: And Councilwoman Petrunoff said she looked at them. One was seven lines; one was seven pages. It doesn't matter. Because all one individual who's sitting in this audience, who's sitting somewhere in the public, who doesn't like what you've said, doesn't like what you voted on, can file an ethics complaint, and say you did not disclose to the fullest capabilities and to the completeness, and it's off to the races. This has been weaponized and will be weaponized. This is the most egregious assault on privacy. It's an assault on one's rights. It's an assault on Second Amendment rights, and it's an unacceptable government intrusion. And I stress the word unacceptable. As I have said, I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore. I will not accept this government intrusion. As I know many of you, when I said, go ahead and list this all and post this out on the web, you wouldn't either.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: I have one question for you. If you knew to apply for a job, you had to go and list all of your financials out on public forum. Would you apply for that job? Hell NO. A recent Naples Daily News article said in Pinellas County alone, at least eight elected officials in five municipalities have left office or planned to by the end of this year.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe: And that's because of this new requirement, this new form, this new financial disclosure. So this is not a Naples-specific issue. This is a municipality within the state of Florida issue created by the state legislature. Therefore, I will not accept, and I will not be subject to this assault by the state government. This has forced me to a point that I never imagined but must do. I will be tendering my resignation from the Naples City Council, effective December 31st. It is with great sadness that I do this. I chose to step forward. I chose to run for this office to make a difference. I was elected by an overwhelming majority of voters. And I took this seriously. I have worked tremendous hours to prepare for the honor that trust was put me, and I did it for every meeting and for every vote. And it truly pains me to step away but when the legislature changed the game, that stacks the deck to a point where the assault is too great. You need to make a decision. You, the residents of this City, should be afraid. You should be very afraid of this act. And those acts that I mentioned before. You should stand up and say I'm mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. So, with that, I thank you. It has been an honor. But I must say goodbye.
Vice Mayor McCabe Opening Remarks for Community Redevelopment Agency
In this year of the Naples Centennial, Vice Mayor McCabe's opening remarks at the Community Redevelopment Agency states "We stand on the shoulders of Naples' Founders, and for this reason we honor their legacy for the City of Naples for the next 100 years".
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe explains why a challenge to Florida Senate Bill 250 is important to our residents
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe explains why clarification for Senate Bill 250 is important, and why Home Rule, which is the closest to the our community is the best representation for our Residents. Does Tallahassee really know what is best for our community? Or does the locally elected Naples Council better understand our community?
Naples City Manager Jay Boodeswhwar 1 year review by City Council
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe led the charge for a new City Manager. Change is hard, change is not easy, status quo is the easy path but not the best path. The City of Naples, with the leadership of the Vice Mayor Mike McCabe led the path forward for a search for a new City Manager. The process was intensive and many questioned this path. But the results and the changes have borne out the wisdom of the newly elected 2020 Council. The decision was unanimous and the 1 year review of the new City Manager bore out the wisdom of this Council's decision. Listen in their own words, the entire City Council's review of City Manager, Jay Boodeshwar.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe discusses Florida Senate Bill 250 and its relation to HOME RULE
Naples Vice Mayor Mike McCabe discusses his concern regarding Florida Senate Bill 250 (unsigned as of this date 05/03/2023) and the City of Naples "HOME RULE" in the Free State of Florida.
Vice Mayor Mike McCabe moves to APPROVE and EXPEDITE the Naples Beach Hotel 23-SPD1
Vice Mayor McCabe: "In light of it being collaborative and instructive, it was. And as we stated in the continuance, we listed out a number of issues and I think the solid waste hauling has been clarified. I believe the drainage needs a little bit better more, but that will come in the site plan from the golf course. As far as the evacuation plan and Electric vehicles, I think we've clarified that. We've gotten clarification. The road construction and our infrastructure improvements, we have made progress on getting that agreement. So I feel comfortable that we can move forward with that. I think the restrictive covenants, we've made some significant progress. We need some work to tie those loose ends up. And I think I've heard the commitment to get it done and that there is no substantive issues that are standing up right now that would be in the way. I believe that we've had our executive session to have the conversation about the litigation, which could have an impact on this. And I think we've had that, and I consider that done. We've had our conversations with Nault making sure where and what they have and how that would either be in or add to the movement forward and I look at it as movement forward. And as Mr. Newman said, when you look at some of the things, unless you really make them a priority, they will become an issue down the road and I think with what we expressed in the last meeting and the continuance, we identified those that were a priority that we needed information on and we've gotten it. And they therefore really won't create an issue down the road. So we will be smoother as this moves forward. So with that in mind, I move to approve this petition."
Vice Mayor McCabe: " I would also I'm not sure in what form it needs to take, but I would like to get at least a consensus out of council to request that the DRB hold a special meeting for this project. And looking at the calendar, that meeting could be with 30 days notice be June 2nd. There's nothing that is taking up these chambers or the next one would be, say, June 6th, which would be in the afternoon because there is an ethics commission meeting in the morning. And if those two dates are amenable to the DRB, that would pick up over three weeks of time versus the regular scheduled DRB meeting. "
Naples Vice Mayor Mike McCabe talks about City Employee Retention
Listen to Vice Mayor Mike McCabe in his own words discuss the importance of Employee Retention and its relationship to leadership in our City.
Hurricane Ian Vice Mayor McCabe and Resident Doug Haughey brought their tool boxes to save River Park
Doug Haughey (publisher of Stroll Magazine strollmag.com) and Vice Mayor Mike McCabe loaded up their tool boxes and headed to River Park to tear out moldy dry wall and removed water damaged furniture to work with the residents. Anonymous Naples Resident Donors replaced wet mattresses with clean new mattresses, food and clothing was donated and organized for our Community.
Yes, Naples knows how to roll up our sleeves!
Mike discusses the 1st Storm Water Vote of the new City Council Session and its importance to the Residents & and the Gulf Water Quality
Mike McCabe City Councilman Closing Remarks after Election Certification 4/1/2020
Hear Mike McCabe in his own words, address the Residents in his closing remarks after City Council induction and certification of results on 4/1/2020.
Declaration of Winners Video & Vote Tally for Naples Mayor Elect and City Council Elect 4/1/2020
Vote Tally for Naples Mayor:
Teresa Heitmann: 4399 votes
Bill Barnett: 3510
Vote Tally For City Council:
Mike McCabe: 4782 votes
Ted Blankenship: 4398 votes
Paul Perry: 3681 votes
Michelle McLeod: 3179 votes
Ellen Seigel: 3105 votes
Reg Buxton: 1876 votes
The Residents Have Spoken! Thank you to all the Residents who supported our Campaign!
Thank you to all the voters, volunteers, and passionate citizens who supported our Campaign. Your support, and hard work were responsible for our success!
You shared a belief that our residents' values should be a priority in the management of our City. Election night was a resounding affirmation that we will forge a new path for our City. I am grateful for your support thank you for your vote. I look forward to working for you and with you to preserve our town, protect our environment, and to maintain a vibrant economic community.
Mike McCabe
Mike McCabe answers the question: Are you related to? ...the answer is NO! Watch Mike have fun with his last name McCabe, the audience laughs.
Mike McCabe speaks 12/16/19 at Naples City Council on behalf of the residents regarding leaf blowers
Mike McCabe speaks at Naples City Council on behalf of the residents. Mike makes the point, "it is a conversation about noise, but it is also a conversation about the environmental pollutants that the leaf blower emits". There is a solution.
Mike McCabe speaks at Naples City Council 11/30/19 and petitions for more citizen public comment time
Mike McCabe speaks at Naples City Council and petitions for more public comment time. On the agenda are 4 distinct items, however the public is only allowed 3 minutes to cover all 4 items. Mike asks for 3 minutes for each item. Mike's recommendation to the Council is to give a greater voice to the residents.
Mike McCabe Speaks at Joint City Council PAB meeting on 11/18/2019
Mike McCabe speaks at Joint PAB/City Council Meeting and discusses Water Management and Water Quality. Mike makes the point that Development and the Environment are not separate issues, they are intertwined, and should be considered together, not separately.
Mike McCabe speaks at Naples City Council on 9/18/2019 About Vision plan
Mike McCabe speaks before Naples City Council on 9/18/2019 on the Vision Plan, and calls for a moratorium on variances and deviations. The resident's voice is clear in the Vision Survey that enough is enough!
Mike McCabe wishes a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the families and children of Naples
Mike McCabe and the elves are escorted by elf Julie and service dog in training, "Joy" and elf Gina and service dog "Parker". Elves Pam, Jackie, Brian, John, Jean, Arden, Sue, Briana, Janet, Dan and Angeli accompany Mike and wave to the crowd. So much fun!
Mike McCabe & "Teddy", combat veteran service dog in training, go to Third Street Farmers Market
Mike McCabe & combat veteran service dog in training "Teddy" walk the 3rd Street Farmers Market. Teddy was calm & attentive during his training today. Teddy experienced music, new smells (food), lots of attention from the shoppers. Teddy got an A+ today from his volunteer trainer, Mike. Good job, Teddy!